United States copyright law does not protect architectural works before 1er Dujanbir 1990. In 1990, the Architectural Works Copyright Protection Act amended subsection 102(a) of the US copyright law by adding paragraph (8), "architectural works." A building that was substantially constructed or for which the plans were otherwise published before 1er Dujanbir 1990, is in the public domain in the United States. For images of architectural works in the United States completed on or after 1er Dujanbir 1990, please use {{FoP-US}} on the description pages of the images.
fsr – afad ad tnɣlt, ad tzuzrt nɣ ad tbḍut tawuri ad
sgiddi – sgiddi tawuri
Ddu tfadiwin ad:
Tibbabwt – Iqqan d ad tbdrm ism n umskar anṣli tbdrm ula asɣun immaln amskar n umahil nɣ bab n izrfan, tbdrm iɣ ittwasnfl zgis kra nɣ d uhu. Tzḍarm ad tskrm mk ad s mk da tram, maccan s kra n tɣarast immaln ma s d imsacka bab n twuri.